2009年5月13日 星期三

090514 Lesson from Dwayne Smith: Bringing out the winner in you

First thing: Thanks for someone who invited him.

Think about the time that you win something: feel it.
How do you do? by learning. How do you learn? by doing.

When you want the attention: prepare gifts.
We all are natural born winners.

Children walk, stumble, and walk again.
Positive belief leads to positive results.
Winning is tough but it worth it.
Tiger Woods practices 14 hours a day.

Three things you have to give to win: time, effort, dedication

Two things to give up: comfort zone, idea that it's going to be easy

Never give up: trying, belief, yourself, what you are trying to do

Have small victories to have big ones.
Take small steps then big ones will come.

Taking part is already winning.

The value of failure:
Something doesn't go right: there is a lesson.
My reponsibility to see why it's not working.
To find the lesson within the failure.
Stop blaming on others.

Investigate what the problem is.
Look at inside, then you also find solutions and answers.
It's yourself that is holding everything back.

From how god let this happen
to how we let this happen
to how I let this happen

what could I have done better?
What did the winner do that was different and creative?
Do I really want this job?
Do I really want to win?

Look at all the opponenets, and find the opportunities to learn.
The one who adds that "extra" will win.
What did I do wrong, and what others did better?
Always take action!
Free e-book: give evaluaitons to dgs@dwayne
(the power of concentration)
